Pictures of Your Four-Legged Family

This time of year I'm reminded of how pictures keep us in touch 
with our friends and family as well as with our memories.

Robert and Lisa wanted to make sure they didn't forget 
their four-legged family in their photo album this year.
Don't forget yours!

PJ was a little skittish but here he gets distracted long enough to capture.

and a little close crop lets you see his personality more.

BK was very cautious but her strong eyes and an intense gaze were just too intrigueing.

A tight cropping shows how big and beautiful her eyes are.

And a quiet moment between Lisa and Jamie really shows how much they mean to one another.  I just love how Jamie's tail curls around Lisa's arm.

Do it today.

A closer crop makes Jamie's eyes pop.

a little vignetting and B&W processing makes her just too adorable for words.

When was the last time you got some great pictures of your pets?
Do it today. 

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